...but I like to call myself a Jack of all Trades
The content of this website will take you through my experience, and hopefully help you learn a little more about me.
The content of this website will take you through my experience, and hopefully help you learn a little more about me.
Hey! I’m Parth, a Jack of all Trades. My passion for not having one set passion is what has defined most of my life today. Growing up I loved sports and weight lifting, but at the same time I felt as strong an affection for both music and the fine arts. Two starkly different things. To top it all off, I was someone who loved learning about history and my ability to suck in information led me to excel at academics as well. The common trend here seems to be that I like a lot of different things.
In fact, this trend is what led me to pursue Management Engineering at the University of Waterloo. As a Management Engineer, I am truly able to live up to the term: a Jack of all Trades. This is because as Management Engineers we are taught and able to excel in vast engineering disciplines. Whether that include circuitry and hardware, process optimization, computer programming, or even economics.
Unfortunately, I’ve only allowed myself this much space to write about me, so feel free to get in contact with me so we can chat!
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Activities